Healthcare Professionals, Take Note!

School-based flu vaccine programs are one of the most effective ways to prevent flu in the whole community. That’s why Shoo the Flu provides free flu vaccines to students in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through 5th grade (and in some cases up to 8th grade) at most Oakland-area schools. In fact, a recently published evaluation of Shoo the Flu, led by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that offering school-located influenza vaccination to elementary schools in a large, urban school district was associated with 7%-11% increases in vaccination. This was also followed by meaningful reductions in illness-specific absences among school-children and community-wide influenza hospitalization among those not targeted by the program, including the elderly.

It’s our goal to work with the greater healthcare community to prevent and protect against the dangers of flu for us all. Only nurses or supervised nursing students vaccinate students. All participating students receive a Parent Notification Form and all vaccinations, with permission, are recorded in California Immunization Registry (CAIR).

Flu Vaccine Is Recommended by AAP, ACIP & CDC

  • They recommend all children age 6 months and up receive the vaccine.
  • Those under age 9 may require 2 doses if it’s their first time, however, kids age 9 and up only need one dose.
  • Children and adults should take advantage of the vaccine as soon as it’s available.

Here’s How It Comes to Life in Schools

  • School-based vaccination clinics (we call them Flu Vaccine Days) are scheduled for October or as soon as the vaccine is available.
  • The flu vaccine program is completely voluntary. Parent/Guardian consent will be required for all students.
  • For more information about the types of information we share with and collect from students, please find the consent form here.
  • Some students under age 9 may need a second dose for full protection against the flu. We’ll be directing them to their regular healthcare providers to receive the second dose as needed.
  • Upon vaccination, students receive a paper record in addition to having it recorded in the California Immunization Registry (CAIR) with parent/guardian permission.
  • Health insurance information is collected as insurers may help pay the cost of immunizations administered by Shoo the Flu, but there is no cost to students or their families.

Intranasal vs. Intramuscular Vaccine

The nurses vaccinating students will determine if a student is eligible for vaccination based on parent/guardian responses to the consent form medical questions. The nurses will take great care to ensure each student receives the vaccine best suited to his or her needs. The type of vaccine students receive will be based on their medical history and vaccine supply.  National recommendations will indicate the type of vaccine that will be offered at Shoo the Flu participating schools.

Read More from the Experts

For more information on preventing influenza, please visit:

Local Flu Vaccine Contacts

To learn more about flu vaccine in Alameda County visit Alameda County Public Health Department.

Or email us with questions.